Monday, April 30, 2012

TUF Recap

Hello everyone! If you haven't seen last weeks episode of TUF you missed a great fight. The two fighters in last weeks episode was Team Cruz's Sam Sicilia vs. Team Faber's Chris Saunders. The fight ended in a Split Decision in favor of Saunders. Watching the fight, I have to agree with Dana White, as I saw that each fighter one a round, and therefore, should have been a third and final round to decide the winner. Saunders and Sicilia both had chances of winning the fight, but by the end of the second round you can tell that both fighters were completely gassed. Sicilia has very strong hands which he showcased throughout the fight as he laid hay makers at the face of Saunders, however, Saunders showed a little more grappling which helped win the judges over.

Saunders go to sleep!

However, at one point, Saunders had a stunning head kick that possibly was a flash knockout, however, Sicilia was able to bounce right back up and continue to fight. Herb Dean was the referee, and he is one of the best refs in this sport. He knows all the signs of when a fighter is incapable of fighting, where during that moment, he jumped in to almost stop the fight. Both fighters showed a lot of heart and did not show signs of quit at any point of the fight.

Saunders trying to create a highlight reel!

There is one more fight this Friday between Andy Ogle of Team Faber vs. Mike Rio of Team Cruz. Which again should be a great fight. If there is one thing I have to say about the popularity of TUF it is because of the fact that these fighters lay it on the line because there is no option B for these fighters. Winning this whole tournament and becoming a UFC fighter is a dream for them. Whereas you watch some of the PPV's and you at points will think to yourself, "Why am I watching this!" Everyone catch TUF this Friday at 10pm on FX! Post any comments that you would like to see in upcoming posts on PRP!

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