Friday, April 13, 2012

Welcome to PRP!

Welcome to Penultimate Round Pick, your source for performance enhancing thoughts! The founders of PRP, avid sports fans for years, have the desire to express a unique view on sports encompassing overlooked facets and popular topics. We want to provide quality entertainment to fans of athletics everywhere while having a good time doing it. The goal of PRP is to deliver a unique view on various sports through expert analysis on elite observations and expansive knowledge mixed with faultless opinion.

This is your brain on PRP!

Penultimate Round Pick has been set into action by three friends, but is likely to expand to cover more sports and provide more depth. Chase Robertson and Toninho, already wildly successful bloggers penning posts on I Sometimes Call Myself Chase Robertson and Sycophantic Laughter respectively, have joined forces with Hector, an aspiring blogger, to bring PRP into existence. This incomparable trio creates angles far too monstrous to contemplate.

There's the story, short and sweet. We hope to provide entertainment and delight, enjoy the beginning of this new adventure!

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