Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Running Diary: WBC 2013 Semi-Final "Netherlands" vs Dominican Republic

8:40pm EST- Damn it, I'm probably a night too late on doing this.  In the wake of the excitement of Puerto Rico knocking off Japan last night I decided I might as well do a running diary of tonight's game for the fun of it.  While they do some over the top presentation of the flags of all our losers I am going to clarify that I put Netherlands in quotations in the title because this team is mostly players from Curacao, and I am going to give them credit for it.  As far as I'm concerned this is DR vs Curacao, a la the Little League World Series.

8:43- Lineup time!  Bert Blylevin is a pitching coach for Curacao!?  You have my attention Netherlands.  I was really hoping to see Boegarts, Simmons and Profar (its like a prospect all-star team!) in the same infield but this Schoop dude is playing instead at third, I'll tolerate it for now but there better be a sub eventually.  Simmons, Profar and Bernadina to start then Andruw Jones in the 5 hole, its possibly better than Puerto Rico's lineup.

8:47- Now the Dominican lineup, I don't understand whats going on because they are announcing it all in Spanish, all I've gathered so far is Erick Aybar is on the bench and Octavio Dotel is wearing what might be his 2,000th different uniform.  AND FERNANDO RODNEY HAS A PLANTAIN!  I was going to comment about how much the players love the peace sign but then Rodney decided to take a plantain on the field!  Reyes, Tejada, Cano, Encarnacion, Ramirez, Cruz, Santana, Sierra and De Aza, goddamn.  They only way they can fail through Edinson Volquez, who almost blew it for them against Italy less than a week ago.
Plantains even show up that hat tilt.
8:56- Funny, all three of the National Anthems they played seemed to sound a lot like my dog barking at something out the window right next to my ear...

8:57- Whats the deal with Lou Seal?  Wearing orange and sitting near the Curacao bench.  That is rather unprofessional for a mascot at a neutral ballpark.

9:00- I know most of my music comes directly from playing FIFA, but damn if the WBC didn't just inform me that Phoenix released a new album!  I have also just now decided that I'm going to count how many times they force a plug for MLB Now with Harold Reynolds and Brian Kenny.
This is the new Phoenix album cover.  Hoping they covered PotUSA's "Peaches"
9:07- Seeing the Curacao lineup written out, it has 7 righties, a lefty and a switch hitter...  But here we go!  First pitch Volquez to Andrelton Simmons is a ball up and in as Simmons faked bunt.  Let's get this rolling!

9:15- First two batters walked... This looks familiar.

9:19- First out recorded on a comebacker to the mound, didn't try to go for two so men on second and third with one out.  Then a grounder to short brings the first run in, I'd be happy if I was Curacao.

9:23- The announcer just says "You could almost call this Curacao vs the Dominican Republic" then Andruw Jones promptly pops up a ball causing Moises Sierra to make an awesome catch jumping into the crowd (The announcers later gave the apt comparison to the Sierra catch to the Bartman play in 2003).  Got out of the inning with only one run scored, I'd be happy if I was the Dominican Republic.
Curacao actually has a really cool flag.
9:32- Two pretty quick outs and Robinson Cano steps up rocking some numbers I haven't seen since MVP Baseball 2005.  And before the 1-2 pitch MLB Network cut to one of the coolest graphics I've ever seen, showing the shift by comparing the positions to the standard by distance, the right fielder was about 50 feet out of position.  Cano ultimately pads his stats with a single roped up the middle.

9:36- Encarnacion grounds to third to end the inning.  After an inning I'm pretty disappointed, too many empty seats, too few wacky drums and horns in the background.  Maybe the proximity from the DR and Miami pampered me in the last round, it was really cool.

9:46- Between receiving a geography lesson on what makes up the "Kingdom of the Netherlands" and realizing Edinson Volquez is pretty good when he can hit the strikezone, absolutely nothing of interest happened.  1-2-3 inning.

9:53- Once I'm starting to think the pitchers are just giving bases away, Hanley Ramirez gets picked off and Nelson Cruz grounds out softly on a 3-1 count within seconds.  This inning just took a quick turn for Curacao, who I'm now admitting have awesome uniforms.

9:58- There was just a Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy commercial, I'm not sure if I'm more confused that they had a commercial or that I could identify the background music as "Lovely Cup" by Grouplove.

10:05- Volquez rolling.

10:08- Bottom of the 3rd and they just make the first plug for MLB Now, I think someone must have told them to cool their jets over the last week.

10:11- They just showed a graphic of the potential Dominican Republic lineup made completely from players not on the Dominican roster, it is scary how much talent is out there.  And Miguel Tejada pops up a bunt to end the inning.  Wait a second... Miguel Tejada is 38 years old and never stole more than 11 bases in a year, why is he bunting with two outs?  (Fangraphs says he has a 50% career rate on bunting for hits.)

10:15- As we return to the game the announcers are postulating that Tejada forgot how many outs there were, that's pretty bad.

10:21- Two outs in the 4th, finally Curacao gets their first hit.  None other than Andruw Jones!  It's pretty short lived as the inning ends two pitches later.

10:26- Robinson Cano has 4 more hits than anybody else in the tournament, also I'm starting to hear the silly horns again!  It doesn't help, this Markwell dude is rolling.

10:36- Can anybody get a hit with less than two outs?  All four hits thus far came with two outs.  Cut to Fernando Rodney, who is still holstering the plantain in the inside pocket of his jacket.  Which they have explains as his "rally plantain" which he will start shaking if they need a run.  I sure hope this game continues like this so the Dominicans will need that run.

10:47- Uh oh, Carlos Santana grounds one just inside the third base line for a one out double.  Rodney must be shaking his plantain!

10:48- Moises Sierra makes those back-to-back doubles to tie the game at 1.  Needless to say Diegomar Markwell is no longer cruising.

10:56- Full count on Jose Reyes with 2 outs, I truthfully thought it was over.  Reyes bloops one into shallow center to take a 2-1 lead.  Curacao might be on the ropes now.

10:59- Tejada almost rips Markwell's head off with a single, men on the corners for Cano.  There's a pitching change and the Dominicans are likely to do the same in the top of the inning with their stellar bullpen.  Curacao is definitely on the ropes now.

11:02- Stuifbergen!!  The pitching change results in a run off a wild pitch in the first pitch.  Curacao is beyond the ropes (if that even means anything), they wisely choose to intentionally walk Cano now.

11:06- They finally get out of the inning on an Edwin Encarnacion single where they were able to catch Cano going for third, problem is Tejada already scored the 4th run.  This is big trouble in little Curacao.
Because Kurt Russell improves everyting!
11:13- Cano flashing some leather to get Bernadina!  This game may be over.

11:32-  The Dominicans just had the longest offensive half of an inning to only get one baserunner.  Through 6 innings 4-1 DR.

11:36- They just showed 2004 Little League World Series footage, which is probably when I first learned what Curacao was.  Both Jurrickson Profar and Jonathan Schoop were on that team!  There is hope yet for Curacao.  

11:40- Not a ton of hope though, seventh inning stretch time.

11:48- Jose Reyes strikes out, this is relevant because it is the first Dominican batter to strike out thus far.  The Dominicans get a few baserunners in the inning, including Cano getting intentionally walked again but made nothing of it.

11:59- Now Pedro Strop comes in for the DR and takes care of the bulk of the Curacao lineup with ease.

12:02- We can an actual player from Holland now!  His name is Loek Van Mil and he is 7 feet tall!  In other news, Rodney is warming up for next inning, and unfortunately he has lost his plantain to do so.  

12:09- Busy inning for Andrelton Simmons at short, boy does that guy have a strong arm.  Strong armed shortstop for the Braves, can't help but be reminded of young Rafael Furcal!
What cool socks!
12:12- Fernando Rodney comes in, this should be over.  Andruw Jones pops it up to Cano, this is probably over.  

12:15- There are so many seagulls flying around I can barely see whats going on as they keep flying in front of the screen, I could barely see Rodney strike out Curt Smith, this game is basically over.  

12:16- For some reason it seems fitting that this whole game will come down to Jonathan Schoop.  He buys some time by fouling the first pitch into Carlos Santana's domepiece.  Schoop goes down looking, happy birthday Fernando!

12:19- This game went pretty much exactly as would have been expected.  I'm going to bed now, maybe I'll do this again for the final tomorrow.